Wednesday 30 January 2013

Interiors UK Trade Show

Over the past two days I've been at Interiors UK trade show in Birmingham NEC. I've had a lovely time and seen a lot. Here's a few snap shots of the stall I was on for Digetex and Barbara chandler I'm now doing a 6 month internship for Digetex and as part of it they invited me to go to the show for a couple of days.

New Designs...

Here is the start of my new design project. This project isnt for any reason apart from that working at Digetex  has inspired me to get back to what I love designing with. I love producing things with great colour and geometric elements all that would be digitally printed.

These designs will probably be worked on more but there defiantly the start of something good.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

A marbellous day...

A fun day to kick start my designing after Christmas and new year turned into an afternoon of playing with marbelling. It turn out to be so much fun and I think I'll use the images for some design work.